Science Year 9
  • 已选课学生: 尚无学生参与此课程
Science Year 8

1. Exam Environment:

It is imperative that each student takes these exams in a quiet and undisturbed environment. We ask for your support in ensuring that your child has a conducive space at home to undertake these exams, akin to an actual examination hall setting. This helps in maintaining the seriousness of the examination and aids in better concentration.

2. Exam Duration:

  • Science Examination Duration - 1 hour

3. Post-Exam Procedure and Feedback:

  • After the completion and submission of the exam, the system will automatically evaluate the test papers and you can check your child's test result. 
  • Once the assessments are concluded, we will personally reach out to you via phone call to discuss your child's performance, their ranking among peers, and provide professional guidance on the most suitable year level courses for them in the upcoming academic period.

  • 已选课学生: 1
Science Year 7
  • 已选课学生: 尚无学生参与此课程