
  • ACER 
    • Melbourne High
    • Mac Robertson High School
    • Suzanne Cory High School
    • Nossal High School
  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Mathematics 
  3. Verbal Reasoning 
  4. Quantitative 
  5. Writing 

  • EDUtest
    • John Monash Science School 
  1. Mathematics 
  2. Numerical Reasoning 
  3. Science 
  4. Science report (writing)
Y10 JMSS Program

To apply for enrolment at John Monash Science School, all prospective students must complete a formal Entry Assessment. 

Please note that entry for 2025 has not opened yet.

Y9 Selective High School Program

Course Information 

  • Monday Night - 6pm to 8pm
    • Maths (including fundamental year 9 and 10 maths)
    • quantitative reasoning
  • Tuesday Night - 6pm to 8 pm

Information about the examination

The SEHS entrance exam is designed to test ability, rather than achievement and will include a focus on higher order thinking skills.

The required knowledge in any section will not exceed that found in the Year 8-9 curriculum.

In 2024, the SEHS entrance exam will include:

  • Reasoning in Reading, Mathematics
  • General Ability – Verbal, Quantitative and Writing

It will contain multiple choice questions and written tasks.

Information about the Victorian Selective Entry High Schools

These schools are:

  • Melbourne High School (boys only) in South Yarra
  • The Mac.Robertson Girls' High School (girls only) in Melbourne
  • Nossal High School (all genders) in Berwick
  • Suzanne Cory High School (all genders) in Werribee